Jatiluwih Rice Terrace

Do you want to enjoy the quiet, beautiful, and natural countryside atmosphere of the island, then you can get by visiting the rice terraces of Jatiluwih Bali. Tourist attractions in western Bali is a tourist destination, for tourists who want to eliminate fatigue with a crowded urban atmosphere.

Jatiluwih Village Tabanan Bali Indonesia, have an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, is an area adjacent to the famous Batu Karu Mountain with panorama of rice terraces. You will always enjoy the cool air while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.

To know the history of Jatiluwih entirely derived from the stories of parents who are residents of Jatiluwih Village. It is said that the name JATILUWIH comes from Jaton and Luwih. "Jaton" means "Charm", while "Luwih" means good, from the meaning of the word, it can be concluded that Jatiluwih means a village that has a really good or powerful charm.

Jatiluwih village has an area of 636 hectares of terraced rice terraces and the temperature does not reach 20 degrees celsius has been established by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage (WBD) since 29 June 2012 because it has a unique and distinctive in the agricultural system that is by using the concept of philosophy Tri Hita Karana (philosophy of equilibrium between man and his neighbor, man with nature, and man with the Creator). In accordance with Hindu culture and religion embraced by most of the farmers in Jatiluwih, There are 14 kinds ceremony performed are:

~ Mapag Toya, the ceremony to take / fetch water to the spring. The ceremony is followed by all subak members and performed on Sasih Third or around September. This activity is called Kempelan which is the activity of opening the water channel to the source of the water flow in the upstream subak, then the water will flow through the fields.
~ Ngendag Tanah Carik, which is a ceremony to pray for salvation to God at the time of hijacking the rice field done by each subak procession is still in Third Sasih (September).
~ Ngurit, which is a nursery ritual performed by all subak members on their respective land. Ngurit held on Sasih Fifth (around November).
~ Ngerasakin, the ceremony to clean the dirt (leteh) left behind while doing the rice field hijacking, the ceremony is done after the hijacking is completed on each arable land at the beginning of Sasih Kepitu (early January).
~ Pangawiwit (Nuwasen) which is a ceremony to look for a good day to start planting paddy which is done around Sasih Kepitu (early January).
~ Ngekambuhin, which is a ceremony to ask God for salvation for the newly grown rice children done at the 42-day-old rice around Sasih Kewulu (February).

~ Pamungkah, the ceremony begs for safety so that the rice can grow well. The ceremony was held at Sasih Kawulu (February).
~ Penyepian, the ceremony begs for the safety of rice crops protected from pests / diseases and performed on Sasih Kesanga (around March).
~ Pengerestitian Nyegara Gunung, which is carrying out nyegara mountain ceremony conducted in Pura Luhur Petali and Pura Luhur Pekendungan (March / April).
~ Mesaba, which is a pre-harvest ceremony performed on Sasih Kedasa (April) by subak members on their respective fields.
~ Ngadegang Bhatari Sri (Bhatara Nini), the ceremony symbolically visualizes Him as Lingga-Yoni.
~ Nganyarin ceremony, which is a harvesting ceremony held at Sasih Sada (in June) by subak members in each of their fields.
~ Manyi, the rice harvesting activity (July).
~ Mantenin, the ceremony to raise the rice to the barn or the ceremony to store the rice in the barn that was held in Sasih Karo (August).

In general, farmers' activities in the fields still use traditional means and tools to work on their rice fields such as; Hoeing, Nampadin (cleaning rice field), Ngelampit (plowing rice field), Melasah (leveling the rice field), Nandur (planting rice), etc.

The farmers activities really become one of the main attraction and often used as the object of photography by tourists. In addition Jatiluwih area also has activities such as hiking and cycling activities, to support tourism facilities in Jatiluwih there are also lodging / cottage tours, cafes, and food stalls or restaurants that specializes in serving typical food with brown rice from agricultural products in Jatiluwih.

Opening hours: from 08.00 - 17.00 because at that time many farmers' activities are found. Due to high rainfall in Jatiluwih area is recommended for tourists to always prepare an umbrella or raincoat or it's good before visiting Jatiluwih visitors can monitor forecasts of the day before.

Best month to visit: between February and April, because in those months the rice plants will grow tall, green and yellow. In about June - July (sasih Sada), rice crops will be ready for harvesting and harvesting activities by farmers will be common.

How to get there: approximately 50 km or about 1 hour 30 minutes from the city of Denpasar.
Location: Jatiluwih, Penebel, Tabanan