Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

The morning hue that combined with Balinese gending and aroma of incense became a perfect welcome when entering the entrance to the tourist area of ​​Ulun Danu Beratan Temple. Then the local people and the motorcade of bali girls in her typical fashion dress more indulgent eyes. For a moment I was drugged with a magical aura. Everything is very imprinted on the heart and impossible to be erased from memory. Standing beautifully above a quiet lake, Ulun Danu Beratan Temple presents a charming treat for a sacred building typical of Bali. In this place, you can briefly contemplate while enjoying the typical cool air of the highlands with the artistic nuances of the Island of the Gods that reassures the soul.

Ulun Danu Beratan Temple has become one of the icons of tourism face of Bali Island and even Indonesia too. Its location at an altitude of about 1239 meters above sea level makes the air around this place feel cool, clean, and fresh. His silent and often foggy voice is able to make the heart of anyone who visits to be peaceful. The charm and beauty of the sublime temple which has eleven elongated roofs seems timeless by the changing times and the turn of time. No wonder his name is so famous to various parts of the world.

According to information, Ulun Danu Beratan is one of the largest water temples on the island of Bali. This beautiful temple stands above Lake Beratan is actually functioned for the offering ceremony for Dewi Danu or in Balinese language means Dewi Danau and Dewi Air in Hindu Bali belief. In addition to being a shrine to the practice of worship rituals to the goddess gods, this temple was also the site of the Melasti ceremony held a day before Hari Raya Nyepi.

Based on the historical record contained in the Babad Mengwi ejection, Ulun Danu Beratan Temple has existed since 500 BC or in the days of the Balinese megalithic. This is evidenced by the legacy of historical objects in the form of stone sarcophagi and stone boards that are currently placed on the terrace or temple grounds. Although it is one of the ancient buildings on the Island of the Gods, all the physical conditions of Ulun Danu Beratan Temple are still original and well-maintained.

Narrated in Babad Mengwi, I Gusti Agung Putu as the founder of Mengwi Kingdom has established a beautiful and beautiful temple on the southwest side of Lake Beratan before he founded Taman Ayun Temple which is currently reacting in Mengwi. Since the construction of Ulun Danu Temple has been completed, it is said that Mengwi Kingdom becomes peaceful, prosperous and prosperous because Beratan Lake can be used for irrigation purposes of community farm. The king of the Mengwi Kingdom was finally dubbed the title "I Gusti Agung Sakti", or a great, powerful, and wise king.

According to the myths believed by the local community, it is said that Lake Beratan is the place where Ulun Danu Temple was once the largest and largest lake on the island. But at one time there was a devastating earthquake that finally split Lake Beratan into three parts including Lake Beratan itself, Lake Tamblingan, and the last was Lake Buyan. The three lakes are located close together.

The naming of the word "Beratan" itself is taken from the word Brata which in Balinese language has the meaning of self-control by closing the nine holes of life. In addition, the word "Brata" can also be found in the term "Tapa Brata" or the ritual of meditation or meditation while stilling. Tapa Brata is usually held at Nyepi Day celebration for Hindus to clean themselves and achieve calm in order to blend with nature and can interact with Sang Hyang Widi.

The sacred building complex of Ulun Danu Beratan Temple in the Bedugul tourism area consists of four parts of the sacred building. The first part is Pura Lingga Petak which has three meru or tiers on the roof of the building as a place of worship for Lord Shiva. Then Pura Mangu Upgrading Temple which has 11 levels of Meru which is used as a place of worship for Lord Vishnu. Then Pura Teratai Bang as the main temple that stands quite wide among other temple complexes and has three stones in front of the temple entrance gate. And the last is Pura Dalem Purwa used for begging fertility, prosperity, and prosperity.

Broadly speaking, the complex of the sacred building of Pura Ulun Danu Beratan is intended for offerings for the gods Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) in the Hindu beliefs of Bali. Not only can this be seen from the structure of the temple, but also from the discovery of three red, black and white stones in 1968. These three colors are the sacred symbols (Tri Datu) in which the red symbolizes Bhatara Brahma or 'The Creator ', then black which symbolizes Bhatara Vishnu as' The Balancer', and white as the symbol of Bhatara Shiva as' The Fuser '.

Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Location : Danau Beratan, Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan Regency, Bali 82191

How to get there: The distance is approximately 50 kilometers from Denpasar City or about 70 kilometers from Kuta Beach, Bali. Located in the north of Denpasar City makes travel can be done at once because the path is in line with Lovina Beach in Singaraja, Gitgit Waterfall, Banyumala Waterfall, and some other exotic lakes such as Lake Tamblingan and Lake Buyan. Travel overland can be reached by about an hour from Denpasar City.